Federal Employment
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US Government Job Search Board:
Courts & Corrections
Federal Correctional Officers
Probation & Parole Officer
Probation and Parole Officer Assistants
National Geospacial Intelligence Agency (NGA)
National Security Agency (NSA)
Office of the Director of Naval Intelligence (ODNI)
Law Enforcement
Amtrak Police, National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK)
Center for Disease Control and Prevention – Office of Safety, Security and Asset Management (CDC)
Defense Criminal Investigative Service, Office of Inspector General (DCISOIG)
Bureau of Industry and Security, Office of Export Enforcement (DOCOEE)
Department of Energy - Office of Health, Safety and Security (DOEHSS)
Department of Interior -Office of Inspector General (DOIOIG)
Department of Interior -Office of Law Enforcement and Security (DOI-OLES)
Department of Justice - Office of the Inspector General (DOJOIG)
Department of Labor - Office of Inspector General (DOLOIG)
Department of Labor - Office of Labor-Management Standards (DOLOLMS)
Department of the Treasury - Office of the Inspector General (TREASOIG)
Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General (DOTOIG)
Department of Education - Office of the Inspector General (EDOIG)
Environmental Protection Agency - Criminal Investigation Division (EPACID)
Environmental Protection Agency - Office of the Inspector General (EPAOIG)
Food and Drug Administration - Office of Criminal Investigations (FDA-OCI)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Office of the Inspector General (FDICOIG)
Federal Emergency Management Agency - Office of Security (FEMAOS)
Government Printing Office - Office of the Inspector General (GPOOIG)
General Services Administration - Office of the Inspector General (GSAOIG)
Health and Human Services - Office of the Inspector General (HHSOIG)
Housing and Urban Development - Office of the Inspector General (HUDOIG)
Department of Homeland Security Intelligence Analysis Operations (I&A)
Immigration & Customs Enforcement - Enforcement and Removal Operations (ICE/ERO)
Immigration & Customs Enforcement - Homeland Security Investigation (ICE/HSI)
Internal Revenue Service - Criminal Investigation Division (IRSC)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Office of the Inspector General (NASAOIG)
National Nuclear Security Administration - Office of Secure Transportation (NNSA-OST)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Office of the Inspector General (NRCOIG)
Office of Personnel Management - Office of the Inspector General (OPMOIG)
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE)
Railroad Retirement Board - Office of the Inspector General (RRBOIG)
Small Business Administration - Office of the Inspector General (SBAOIG)
Smithsonian Institution - Office of Protective Services (SI)
Social Security Administration - Office of the Inspector General (SSAOIG)
Tennessee Valley Authority Office of the Inspector General (TVAOIG)
U.S. Agency for International Development - Office of Inspector General (AIDOIG)
United States Army Criminal Investigations Command (USACIDC)
United States Department of Agriculture - Animal Plant Health Inspection Services (USDAAPHIS)
United States Department of Agriculture - Office of the Inspector General (USDAOIG)
United States Postal Service Office of the Inspector General (USPSOIG)
United States Department of Agriculture - Food Safety Inspection Service (USDAFSIS)
Enlisted Positions